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 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.

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MessageSujet: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 22 Avr - 19:07

shevaun haldane
evan rachel wood
nom complet Shevaun Haldane. nom de code Dark Angel, aussi surnommé Hell's Angel. date de naissance écrire ici. lieu de naissance 7 septembre 1985. nationalité/origines anglaise/britannique. situation professionnelle Agent du Gouvernement Britannique, ainsi que chercheur en Bio-Occulte. situation civile Célibataire. L'amour n'a pas de genre pour toi; il n'est ni noir, ni blanc. Tu y vas aux sentiments que tu ressens à prime abord. génome Tu étais humaine jusqu'au jour où le Dark Angel vint te rendre visite durant la nuit et t'offrit ce linceul qui s'accrocha à ta peau, ne faisant qu'un avec toi. Sans trop le savoir, t'as créé un nouveau type de Mutant ou peut-être même d'une nouvelle souche. lieu de résidence Darkmoor Castle, dans le Nord de l'Angleterre. groupe Survivors.

"I know it's my destiny to bear my father's guilt... To put an end to all the evil that's gone before... So help me god, I'll undo the pact... if I have to find a way to kill each and every one of them..."

qu'est-ce qui vous rend unique ?
Ton corps en entier est recouvert d'une substance noire nommé le Tissus de l'Univers. Avec un peu d'illusion, tu arrives à le cacher aux yeux des gens.
Tu manipules les gravitons à l'aide d'un Phaseur, utilisant le pouvoir cosmique afin de pouvoir voler, de te téléporter, d'ouvrir des brèches dimensionnelles et d’absorber l’énergie qui est projetée sur toi. Cela te permets aussi de pouvoir, une fois absorbé, la libérer en une sorte de décharge destructrices.
T'arrive aussi à transformer ton corps en un portail vers la dimension du Vide Noir, conduisant les attaques énergétiques et physiques traverser celle-ci au lieu de te frapper toi-même.
Tu possèdes aussi un don de télépathie et ainsi une force surhumaine dont les limites te sont toujours à ce jour bien inconnues.

Tu possèdes une armure qui capture sa puissance, te permettant de contrôler tes pouvoirs au lieu que ce soit eux qui ne te contrôlent. Tu utilises à l'occasion certains équipements de haute technologie, dont des systèmes te permettant de détecter et d’analyser d'autres formes d’énergie; ceux-ci mêlent technologie et sorcellerie, un mélange qui te fut enseigné par ton père... Du moins, c'est ce que tu crois.
L’armure te confère une forme de perceptions extrasensorielles, comme un « troisième œil ». Les lunettes que tu portes souvent améliorent d'avantage celui-ci, te permettant de scanner et d’assimiler rapidement les formes d’énergie. Cette perception te confère un certain degré de conscience cosmique qui te réserve toujours bien des surprises..
décrivez votre personnalité.
Depuis toujours, t'es la fille de ton père. Une fille bien déterminé et avec cette soif d'en apprendre d'avantage. Tu arrive à emmagasiner facilement des informations dans ton esprit, une mémoire photographique, considérant cela comme ton unique don en tant qu'humaine.

Que faisiez-vous lorsqu’Hydra a pris le contrôle, du jour au lendemain ?
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Comment vivez-vous la situation, en tant que population potentiellement en voie d’extinction ?
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Comment vous intégrez-vous à cette nouvelle société aux multiples facettes ?
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

pseudo/prénom nordic.völva/stéphanie. âge 32 ans. pays Canada ! connaissance du forum pour vrai, je me souviens pas, mais je sais que je l'ai zieuté pendant plusieurs heures depuis deux jours. opinion magic. suggestions aucune. avatar Evan Rachel Wood.

pour recenser votre avatar :

<taken>» evan rachel wood • @"shevaun haldane"</taken>

pour recenser votre personnage (dans les pvs) :
<taken>» shevaun haldane  • dark angel</taken>

Dernière édition par Shevaun Haldane le Sam 24 Avr - 16:51, édité 6 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 22 Avr - 19:08

partie histoire

en 450 mots minimum, vous êtes libres de rédiger le vécu de votre personnage. ce qu'il est devenu, et comment il en est arrivé là. impérativement, vous devez également indiquer où votre personnage se situe quant aux divers éléments qui composent le forum (le contexte, la chronologie, les annexes). n'oubliez pas qu'il y a un avant et un après le a-day.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Dernière édition par Shevaun Haldane le Ven 23 Avr - 0:44, édité 1 fois
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Gwendolyne Stacy
Gwendolyne Stacy

double face : Rebeka R. & The Winter Soldier sosie : L. Reinhart dialogue en : #DB7093 remerciements : LucyLullaby p'tit nom : Lucy balles tirées : 110 en cavale depuis le : 18/11/2020

bougies soufflées : 27ans (16 Juin 1994)
double identité : Ghost-Spider - Spider-Gwen
gagne-pain : Avengers, rien que ça. Merci Stevie Wonder !
ligne de coeur : Partage sa vie avec un tégénaire drôlement sexy.
génome : Humaine mordue par une araignée, finger in the nose.

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  0cy8

bordel : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  STL097484_0
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  E96t
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  796b782998420b845f95dffcc5efead9

Benny | Peter | Matthew | Cap | Kaine | MJ | Crew | Avengers | Maybe you ?

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 22 Avr - 19:26

Bienvenuuuuuuuue !!!!! (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  237152273 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  237152273

Courage pour ta fichette, toi aussi tu viens de loin comme ma p'tit araignée là (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3978792334 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3312505952 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  1567591915
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 22 Avr - 23:19

Merci beaucoup ma belle (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3108238865 Peut-être que nos personnage vont se croiser (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4274153766 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3978792334
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Gwendolyne Stacy
Gwendolyne Stacy

double face : Rebeka R. & The Winter Soldier sosie : L. Reinhart dialogue en : #DB7093 remerciements : LucyLullaby p'tit nom : Lucy balles tirées : 110 en cavale depuis le : 18/11/2020

bougies soufflées : 27ans (16 Juin 1994)
double identité : Ghost-Spider - Spider-Gwen
gagne-pain : Avengers, rien que ça. Merci Stevie Wonder !
ligne de coeur : Partage sa vie avec un tégénaire drôlement sexy.
génome : Humaine mordue par une araignée, finger in the nose.

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  0cy8

bordel : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  STL097484_0
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  E96t
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  796b782998420b845f95dffcc5efead9

Benny | Peter | Matthew | Cap | Kaine | MJ | Crew | Avengers | Maybe you ?

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 22 Avr - 23:22

Oh bah j'espère bien ! (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  247948093 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3978792334 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4274153766
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyVen 23 Avr - 19:25

On verra rendu-là, qui sauvera les fesses de qui (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  2778994463 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3600331666
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Avril Kincaid
Avril Kincaid

Brighter than a billion stars
double face : Scott Lang sosie : Elliot Page dialogue en : #cc66ff remerciements : Bambie Eyes (avatar); Exordium (signa); Dokily (aesthetic) p'tit nom : Dokily balles tirées : 71 en cavale depuis le : 23/10/2020

bougies soufflées : 33 ans
double identité : Quasar
gagne-pain : Agent du SHIELD, consultante pour le SWORD et Protectrice de l'Univers
ligne de coeur : Célibataire
génome : Humaine

talents et vertus : Capacités
• Combat au corps à corps
• Maitrise des armes à feux
• Espionnage
• Acting

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Yyg27xxe

Pouvoirs (grâce aux Bracelets Quantiques)
• Contrôle du spectre électromagnétique
• Manipulation d'énergie
• Créations quantiques
• Vol à très haute vitesse
• Téléportation (failles quantiques)
• Communication à très longue portée
• Immunité psychique
• Auto-suffisance
• Conscience cosmique

bordel : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  7yws

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 24 Avr - 12:51

Quel avatar. (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4131636802
Et voilà un personnage que je ne connaissais mais alors absolument pas. (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  653522270

Bienvenue à toi et bonne chance pour ta fiche!
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 24 Avr - 16:04

@AVRIL KINCAID Je vais te rassurer, car moi non plus je ne connaissais pas ce personnage (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3919669972
Mais en faisant des recherches trrrrrèèèès approfondit pour trouver un personnage, je suis tombée sur elle (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4131636802 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3799108756 Elle est trop badass ! (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4131636802
Du coup, il va falloir nous trouver un p'tit lien (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  4274153766

Sinon ! Merciiiii pour l'accueil (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  2824972465
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Gwendolyne Stacy
Gwendolyne Stacy

double face : Rebeka R. & The Winter Soldier sosie : L. Reinhart dialogue en : #DB7093 remerciements : LucyLullaby p'tit nom : Lucy balles tirées : 110 en cavale depuis le : 18/11/2020

bougies soufflées : 27ans (16 Juin 1994)
double identité : Ghost-Spider - Spider-Gwen
gagne-pain : Avengers, rien que ça. Merci Stevie Wonder !
ligne de coeur : Partage sa vie avec un tégénaire drôlement sexy.
génome : Humaine mordue par une araignée, finger in the nose.

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  0cy8

bordel : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  STL097484_0
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  E96t
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  796b782998420b845f95dffcc5efead9

Benny | Peter | Matthew | Cap | Kaine | MJ | Crew | Avengers | Maybe you ?

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 24 Avr - 16:29

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Natasha A. Romanoff
Natasha A. Romanoff

❝ she wore the smile like a loaded gun
double face : magik cat sosie : scarjo. dialogue en : #8a1717 remerciements : andthereisawoman & chubbydumplingproject & allsouls (a); artemisia (s) p'tit nom : inglorious. balles tirées : 158 en cavale depuis le : 23/09/2020

bougies soufflées : 92 years that she infiltrates the earth, but still looks like she's 30
double identité : the death that strikes from the shadows, the widow maker that haunts your nights
gagne-pain : currently architect and mother of a little houdini. spy; lethal widow; shield agent. formerly avenger, leader of the champions, kgb's agent
ligne de coeur : married to a james that doesn't bring winter in his path
génome : enhanced human, weapon made out of a child

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C751316d22fa749a68e25f8789ef52f668087067

❝ she wore the smile
like a loaded gun

⋅ ⋅ athlete ; olympic-level athlete and gymnast
⋅ ⋅ martial arts ; master martial artist
⋅ ⋅ spy ; extensive espionage training & experience
⋅ ⋅ bracelets ; wrist cartridges housing tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable, and a small device capable of emitting a high frequency electrostatic ❝ widows's bite ❞
⋅ ⋅ shooter ; elite shooter
⋅ ⋅ super serum ; biologically enhanced : healing factor four to five times faster than a normal human being; resistance to diseases; ages slowly

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C83313a4e5272b1a85b7d3ea5fe207a0d15fcad0

bordel :

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo7_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo6_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo1_250

❝ i've got blood
on my hands

❝ i'll keep quiet, you won't even know i'm here, you won't suspect a thing, you won't see me in the mirror. but i crept into your heart, you can't make me disappear. ❞

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Steve2 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Nat3 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Bucky3

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  7b77b5a9de0994a512a3394d8820d1cffdedc562 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  6b2e14fba1762df5e43cc874f2cbe1f330e28670 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Ccdaa0685bbf0275ea3cc6404337cbaa46a23509

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  93c8f90c855bcfb62cdcc03e622c8f4731a2e261

[url=]STEVE[/url] ⋅ [url=]AVENGERS[/url]

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_puny94YTiP1ys2to6o1_r1_1280

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 24 Avr - 22:03

Oh la la, Evaaaaan (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  488451951 Bienvenuuuuuue et bon courage pour cette fiche (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3108238865 En plus, logée en Angleterre, y a moyen de se faire un truc sympa (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  185829174

Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hésite paaas (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  2824972465
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Marcus S. Cream
Marcus S. Cream

sosie : Garett Hedlund dialogue en : #ff6600 remerciements : Darley p'tit nom : Sammix balles tirées : 390 en cavale depuis le : 18/10/2020

bougies soufflées : 30 ans
double identité : Aucune
gagne-pain : Photographe
ligne de coeur : Célibataire
génome : Inhumain

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyLun 26 Avr - 17:39

Ce choix de faceclaim là ♥
Bienvenue :D
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Natasha A. Romanoff
Natasha A. Romanoff

❝ she wore the smile like a loaded gun
double face : magik cat sosie : scarjo. dialogue en : #8a1717 remerciements : andthereisawoman & chubbydumplingproject & allsouls (a); artemisia (s) p'tit nom : inglorious. balles tirées : 158 en cavale depuis le : 23/09/2020

bougies soufflées : 92 years that she infiltrates the earth, but still looks like she's 30
double identité : the death that strikes from the shadows, the widow maker that haunts your nights
gagne-pain : currently architect and mother of a little houdini. spy; lethal widow; shield agent. formerly avenger, leader of the champions, kgb's agent
ligne de coeur : married to a james that doesn't bring winter in his path
génome : enhanced human, weapon made out of a child

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C751316d22fa749a68e25f8789ef52f668087067

❝ she wore the smile
like a loaded gun

⋅ ⋅ athlete ; olympic-level athlete and gymnast
⋅ ⋅ martial arts ; master martial artist
⋅ ⋅ spy ; extensive espionage training & experience
⋅ ⋅ bracelets ; wrist cartridges housing tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable, and a small device capable of emitting a high frequency electrostatic ❝ widows's bite ❞
⋅ ⋅ shooter ; elite shooter
⋅ ⋅ super serum ; biologically enhanced : healing factor four to five times faster than a normal human being; resistance to diseases; ages slowly

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C83313a4e5272b1a85b7d3ea5fe207a0d15fcad0

bordel :

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo7_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo6_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo1_250

❝ i've got blood
on my hands

❝ i'll keep quiet, you won't even know i'm here, you won't suspect a thing, you won't see me in the mirror. but i crept into your heart, you can't make me disappear. ❞

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Steve2 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Nat3 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Bucky3

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  7b77b5a9de0994a512a3394d8820d1cffdedc562 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  6b2e14fba1762df5e43cc874f2cbe1f330e28670 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Ccdaa0685bbf0275ea3cc6404337cbaa46a23509

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  93c8f90c855bcfb62cdcc03e622c8f4731a2e261

[url=]STEVE[/url] ⋅ [url=]AVENGERS[/url]

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_puny94YTiP1ys2to6o1_r1_1280

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 1 Mai - 19:33

hello @shevaun haldane, des news ? (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  488451951
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyDim 2 Mai - 21:16

Natasha A. Romanoff a écrit:
hello @shevaun haldane, des news ? (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  488451951

Bonjour, serait-il possible d'avoir un délais supplémentaire s'il vous plaît ? Ça pourrait certainement m'aider. Merci énormément
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Natasha A. Romanoff
Natasha A. Romanoff

❝ she wore the smile like a loaded gun
double face : magik cat sosie : scarjo. dialogue en : #8a1717 remerciements : andthereisawoman & chubbydumplingproject & allsouls (a); artemisia (s) p'tit nom : inglorious. balles tirées : 158 en cavale depuis le : 23/09/2020

bougies soufflées : 92 years that she infiltrates the earth, but still looks like she's 30
double identité : the death that strikes from the shadows, the widow maker that haunts your nights
gagne-pain : currently architect and mother of a little houdini. spy; lethal widow; shield agent. formerly avenger, leader of the champions, kgb's agent
ligne de coeur : married to a james that doesn't bring winter in his path
génome : enhanced human, weapon made out of a child

talents et vertus : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C751316d22fa749a68e25f8789ef52f668087067

❝ she wore the smile
like a loaded gun

⋅ ⋅ athlete ; olympic-level athlete and gymnast
⋅ ⋅ martial arts ; master martial artist
⋅ ⋅ spy ; extensive espionage training & experience
⋅ ⋅ bracelets ; wrist cartridges housing tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable, and a small device capable of emitting a high frequency electrostatic ❝ widows's bite ❞
⋅ ⋅ shooter ; elite shooter
⋅ ⋅ super serum ; biologically enhanced : healing factor four to five times faster than a normal human being; resistance to diseases; ages slowly

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  C83313a4e5272b1a85b7d3ea5fe207a0d15fcad0

bordel :

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo7_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo6_250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_p9htky8Vvg1ut4rnoo1_250

❝ i've got blood
on my hands

❝ i'll keep quiet, you won't even know i'm here, you won't suspect a thing, you won't see me in the mirror. but i crept into your heart, you can't make me disappear. ❞

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Steve2 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Nat3 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Bucky3

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

❝ i used to have nothing
then i got this family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  7b77b5a9de0994a512a3394d8820d1cffdedc562 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  6b2e14fba1762df5e43cc874f2cbe1f330e28670 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Ccdaa0685bbf0275ea3cc6404337cbaa46a23509

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  93c8f90c855bcfb62cdcc03e622c8f4731a2e261

[url=]STEVE[/url] ⋅ [url=]AVENGERS[/url]

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr_puny94YTiP1ys2to6o1_r1_1280

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyMar 4 Mai - 11:08

@shevaun haldane bien sûr, j'ai prolongé jusqu'au dimanche 9, bon courage (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3108238865
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Erik M. Lehnsherr
Erik M. Lehnsherr

🗲 master of magnetism 🗲
sosie : Michael Fassbender dialogue en : #cc0000 p'tit nom : Teslady balles tirées : 20 en cavale depuis le : 06/03/2021

bougies soufflées : 90+ ans
double identité : Magnéto
gagne-pain : Professeur à l'Institut
ligne de coeur : Célibataire
génome : Mutant

talents et vertus : *Magnétokinésie
*Armure magnétique
*Être ton père
*Influence sur les champs gravitationnels
*Projection de champs électromagnétiques
*Manipulation des métaux
*Transmutation des métaux
*Manipulation des composés métalliques organiques
*Vol magnétique
*Lévitation magnétique
*Résistance à la télépathie

bordel : (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  660dc0935276fb3404fb70887e35320b666e9e5b
magnus dynasty

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyMer 5 Mai - 18:07

Très intéressant personnage. Bienvenue !
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Steven G. Rogers
Steven G. Rogers

the Sentinel of Liberty
double face : Stephen V. Strange & Thomas Shepherd sosie : Chris Evans dialogue en : #4083A4 remerciements : Dumbro (Inglorious) p'tit nom : Alek balles tirées : 130 en cavale depuis le : 03/10/2020

bougies soufflées : Vieux
double identité : Actuellement Nomad ; Sinon Captain America
gagne-pain : Décédé - Prisonnier - Fugitif
ligne de coeur : Célibataire
génome : Surhumain

talents et vertus :
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-nvvdjk9od51qj6i7po6-r3-250

# Sérum du super-soldat - Force, endurance, réflexes, sens, rapidité, agilité, régénration développés au maximum du potentiel humain possible voire au-delà, virtuellement infatigable
# Combattant expert - Maîtrise de plusieurs dizaines d'arts martiaux, possède son propre style de combat unique et adaptatif (avec ou sans bouclier de vibranium)
# Expert militaire combat/pilote - Maîtrise de tout type d'armement (blanches, à feu, explosif, autre), des techniques commandos et d'espionnage, pilote aérien et terrestre.
# Atouts militaire - Stratège et tacticien parmi les meilleurs du monde, connaissance du protocole militaire,
# Charisme / Leadership - Sait convaincre et persuader autrui et motiver des personnes, qu'elles soient connues ou inconnues
# Code moral - Valeurs inébranlables en la liberté et la protection des opprimés, incorruptibilité, détermination, ténacité, empathie et compassion

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-c9c85e60b2780c6509a7ef37f7c38bf9-81725888-540

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-nkic4i-Mt-CU1qlqsnio6-250

bordel :
(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-p69klbsr-Az1wg33kko5-250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Steveic1 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-o99d07v-Dmv1qb0em4o5-r1-250
not a perfect soldier, but a good man

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-o7fvw4lrvv1uvpk7eo3-250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-omj1o74-DEi1t4rhclo4-400 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-3365baddca4edb82624830faa2be0b55-70e5bec6-250
team cap, more than a squad, a family

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-n4x4l88-LLV1s2c903o4-250 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-oasgwri-L0-W1r7cjpto4-500 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-o0na7fw-Pt91rbmftbo3-250
Through these fields of destruction, baptism of fire, In the fear and alarm, you did not desert me,
my brothers in arms

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Stevetony2-7077 (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Avassembd (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tonysteve1

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-7cfdd713bc283685953900fabe5b7736-0808d536-540

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  AesCap

(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Tumblr-n37vx0-SKzw1rdbd0qo7-r1-250

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 6 Mai - 0:51

Ouuuh intriguant perso et super fc (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3799108756

Bienvenue ! (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  1709168983
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MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptyJeu 6 Mai - 4:11

Merci pour l'accueil !!! (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  564247462
Je tente de faire mon possible pour terminer avant dimanche !!!
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Anthony E. Stark
Anthony E. Stark

sosie : Robert Downey Jr dialogue en : #ff9900 p'tit nom : Ves balles tirées : 93 en cavale depuis le : 16/10/2020

bougies soufflées : Officiellement 50 ans, biologiquement 40 ans. Mentalement? Eternel ado.
double identité : Iron Man
gagne-pain : PDG de Stark Entreprise pour ce que ça vaut dans le contexte actuel. Inventeur de génie qui pond des armures comme d'autres pondent des photos de leur petit-déjeuner sur Instagram.
ligne de coeur : Célibataire qui en profite.
génome : Humain

talents et vertus : - Intelligence Exceptionnelle
- Inventeur génial
- Trop riche pour son bien
- Sens des affaires
- Très bon pilote
- Bon combattant au corps à corps
- Technologies diverses et variées créées et brevetées par lui-même
- Polyglotte
- Excellent tireur

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  EmptySam 8 Mai - 22:52

Bienvenue par ici et bon courage pour ta fiche! Je te réserve une place de consultante en domaine mystique, du coup? (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  3853201142
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Contenu sponsorisé

MessageSujet: Re: (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.    (Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.  Empty

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(Shevaun) They're coming back. They are all coming back. They are going to make the world burn.
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